Most frequent questions and answers

Clear and open communications between you and your assigned ITG dedicated account manager. You will always be well informed throughout the recruiting process.
When is my resume or personal info shared?
You are in control of your job search. Your resume with contact information is only released for consideration to a company once ITG has approval from you. Your confidentiality is a priority for us. Trust is paramount for a great working relationship between recruiter and candidate and will go both ways during the process.
Insurance Talent Group will not contact references without your advanced permission.
We do recommend that you check out our JOBS page, create a Job Alert based on your search criteria and add your contact information. We will be in touch after that. This way you get notified of all new opportunities that might be a fit for you. If you feel more comfortable you can email to set up a no obligation 100% free consultation. If you prefer to call us our phone number is 1-844-232-7366 Extension 700. Bottom line is just reach out as your first step!
We will never try and push you to take a position your not completely comfortable accepting. If we think we have a found a potential fit for you we will fully discuss the opportunity with you and if you feel it’s just not the right fit, we will simply move forward on attempting to find you new opportunities. No debates and no sales pitches.
Like a professional athlete who uses and agent so should you. Give yourself the best shot at finding a great position by working with ITG. We know who is hiring, compensations, company environments and so much more. Of course, you will do your own search as well but adding us to your team can be a huge benefit.
No, there is no cost to you as a job seeker. That’s the beauty of getting the helpful resources of a recruiter. There’s no cost to you and we do the best we can to find you the right position based on criteria pre-determined during our initial consultations. We look forward to hearing from you. We recruit all level positions which include CEO’s right through to entry level.
Yes! Why not explore your options. Just let us know that your not 100% sure you want to make a move when we connect so everyone’s expectations are in line. We have many other ways to stay connected long-term and keep you updated about new opportunities. Don’t forget to go our JOBS page and register for Job Alerts that match your criteria.
We recognize that job seekers want results fast. We will always be up front with you. If your experience/history is not suited for any of the positions we have, we will advise you exactly how to get notified when suitable roles do become available. That way you can keep hunting but remain connected to our resources. We will want to stay in touch with you. The future is bright when you work with Insurance Talent Group.
You are certainly permitted to work with other firms. If you feel that working with us will get you the best result then you can be an exclusive partner. If not, you are welcome to test other recruiters services. Just remember to do your due diligence when selecting a firm to work with. Working with too many recruiters can cause confusion and overlap but we always recommend keeping your options open.

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